Postal Guides SIR G. KEKEWICH (Exeter) I beg to ask the Postmaster-General whether he can see his way to publish a postal handbook at a cheaper rate than the present sixpenny Post Office Guide, so as to bring postal information within the means of a larger portion of the population. THE POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Mr. SYDNEY BUXTON, Tower Hamlets, Poplar) As the hon. Member is no doubt aware, a handbook of postal information was formerly issued at the price of 1d. The demand for this book how ever was small and had been declining for some years; and when the Post Office Guide was issued in a revised form. in July last my predecessor decided to suspend the publication of the handbook. Hardly a single complaint of the suspension has reached me, and I have no reason at present to think that there is any considerable public demand for a cheap manual of postal information.