Trinidad (Cost Of Living) 20. Mr. H. Hynd asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what action has been taken by the Government of Trinidad to implement the recommendation of its Cost-of-Living Committee that the prices of essential foodstuffs should be subsidised; and whether any action is to be taken in response to the committee's criticism that the Government's import policy compels Trinidad to buy in a dear market. Mr. Creech Jones A policy of food subsidisation has been in operation for some years in Trinidad. Proposals for increasing subsidisation expenditure in order to reduce the cost-of-living index by 10 points from 220 to 210 have recently been agreed in principle by the Finance Committee. It is proposed that the cost of these measures should be met partly from Trinidad revenues and partly from a grant by His Majesty's Government. The necessary vote to authorise such a grant will be brought before Parliament in due course. As regards the second part of the Question, the Governor reports that import control is effected with the object of conserving "hard currency," and in some instances this involves purchases from the sterling area at higher prices than those for which similar goods could be purchased from "hard currency" countries. Since April last, however, licences have been issued for the importation from any source of certain essential consumer goods which are in very short supply. Mr. Oliver Stanley Could I ask the Secretary of State whether this assistance from the Colonial Office Vote to reduce the cost of living where that is increased by the necessity of sterling control, will be extended to other Colonies which are in the same position? Mr. Creech Jones I cannot give a definite promise that it will be extended, but it is a matter which is under constant discussion with the Treasury, and I think both the Colonial Office and the Treasury take a reasonably sympathetic view in regard to the matter. Squadron-Leader Donner Will the right hon. Gentleman say whether it is possible to extend similar help to other West Indian Colonies? Mr. Creech Jones I have just said that the whole problem has the constant attention of the Colonial Office and the Treasury.