Newbury Bypass Mr. Redmond To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what consideration his Department has given to the environmental balance between the principle route alternatives in respect of Greenham Common air base and the Newbury bypass; and if he will make a statement. [39060] Mr. Watts This is an operational matter for the Highways Agency.I have asked the chief executive to write to the hon. Member. Letter from Lawrie Haynes to Mr. Martin Redmond, dated 24 October 1995: As you know, the Minister for Railways and Roads, Mr. John Watts, has asked me to write in reply to your Parliamentary Question about the Newbury Bypass. The Study Team commissioned by the then Secretary of State, Dr. Brian Mawhinney, did consider whether the closure of the Greenham Common Air Base had opened new possibilities for an eastern bypass of Newbury. A copy of their report is enclosed and you will see that their conclusion was that the overall balance remained in favour of a western bypass. The conclusion was endorsed by the then Secretary of State.