Non-Congress Leaders (Conference, Bombay) 35. Mr. Sorensen asked the Secretary of State for India whether he has now considered the Report of the Bombay Conference of Non-Congress leaders; and what response has been made to their plea? Mr. Amery The resolution passed at the Bombay Conference contemplated an approach to the Viceroy. I am not aware that any such approach has yet been made, and in the meantime I am not prepared to make any further statement on the matter of the resolution. Mr. Sorensen If these non-Congress leaders desire contact with the Congress leaders, does the right hon. Gentleman know whether the Viceroy will allow contact to be made? Mr. Amery We had better wait until the resolution has been presented and then have the Viceroy's opinion on the matter. Mr. Edmund Harvey Whatever the outcome of this resolution, will the right hon. Gentleman say that he continues to welcome the efforts being made by Indian leaders to get an understanding in India? Mr. Amery The hon. Member raises a broad question of policy which, I understand, must be debated shortly.