Redundancies Mr. Richard Wainwright asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many redundancies have bean declared in the counties of (a) West Yorkshire and (b) Greater Manchester since May 1979; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Waddington There are no comprehensive statistics of redundancies. The numbers of redundancies, in groups of 10 or more employees, reported to the Manpower Services Commission as due to occur, between May 1979 and February 1982 inclusive, in the counties of West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester are 55,867 and 98,612 respectively, including provisional figures for January and February 1982. Mr. Richard Wainwright asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the average redundancy payment received by workers in (a) the wool textile industry, (b) the cotton textile industry, (c) the steel industry and (d) the construction industry for 1980 and 1981. Mr. Waddington The average amounts of statutory redundancy payments received by workers in the metal manufacturing, textiles and construction industries in 1980–81 are as follows. Separate figures are not available for the steel industry or the wool textile or cotton textile industries.------------------- | | ------------------- |Metal Manufacture| ------------------- |Textiles | ------------------- |Construction | ------------------- No figures are available for payments made to employees over and above the statutory amount.