Smalholdings Estates, Gatton Bridge And Holland, Lincolnshire Mr. Body asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what conclusions he has reached on the future of his Department's smallholdings estates at Gatton Bridge and Holland, Lincolnshire. Mr. Prior While I consider that these estates should continue to be used for their present purpose, the provision of smallholdings is essentially a local government function. I am therefore exploring the possibilities of transferring the estates to a local smallholdings authority. I shall be concerned to secure the future of the estates as smallholdings and fully to safeguard the interests of the present smallholder tenants.The estates lie within the administrative area of the Lines (Holland) County Council. I am therefore approaching the County Council in their capacity as smallholdings authority to ascertain whether they would be prepared in principle to acquire the estates from my Department on terms to be agreed. A limited area of land at Sutton Bridge may be required for purposes other than smallholdings, such as statutory allotments and housing developments, and full regard will be paid to these requirements in the arrangements for disposal of the estates as a whole.