M60 (Flooding) Andrew Bennett To ask the Secretary of State for Transport on how many occasions flooding has occurred on the stretch of the M60 between Denton and Hollinwood since it opened; how many accidents on this stretch have been attributed to flooding; who designed this stretch of motorway; what plans he has to undertake work to rectify design faults; and what estimate he has made of the cause of flooding in each case. [93420] Mr. Jamieson I have asked the Chief Executive of the Highways Agency, Tim Matthews, to write to my hon. Friend. Letter from Tim Matthews to Mr. Andrew Bennett, dated 29 January 2003: I have been asked by the Transport Minister, David Jamieson, to reply to your recent question about flooding on the M60 Motorway between Demon and Hollinwood. Since the M60 opened m October 2000, there have been no recorded occurrences of flooding caused by either failures of the motorway drainage system or overflow from external water courses. What has happened is that during periods of intense rainfall, excess water can collect on the surface of the carriageway. Whilst we are not aware of any accidents that have occurred as a result, there are anecdotal reports from drivers that this is a matter of concern. The section of motorway between Denton and Medlock was designed on behalf of the Highways Agency by Mouchel Consulting Ltd. The remaining length to Hollinwood was the subject of a Design and Build contract undertaken by Balfour Beatty who used Gifford and Partners to advise on the design. At present, we are not aware of any design faults to which the excess water could be attributed. However, mindful of our duty of care towards motorway users, suitable warning signs were erected in Autumn last year. Additionally, and working with Greater ------------------------------ | | ------------------------------ |Violent Crime | ------------------------------ |Sexual Offences | ------------------------------ |Theft of passenger property | ------------------------------ |Robbery | ------------------------------ |Public Disorder Offences | ------------------------------ |Motor vehicle/cycle offences| ------------------------------ |Total | ------------------------------ These figures are for offences reported to the BTP for the rail network that they police, less London Underground. The figures for 1997–98 were recorded using different Home Office rules that would not be comparable with the figures for subsequent years.