Protected Occupations 15. Captain BARNETT asked the Minister of National Service if he will state what steps, if any, he is taking to secure the revision of protection certificates issued under the Schedules of Protected Occupations, and more particularly the certificates issued under the Munitions Area Recruiting Scheme, and known as Forms 3,476A, 3,476B, and 3,476 W.M.V.? The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the MINISTRY of NATIONAL SERVICE (Mr. Beck) The Schedule of Protected Occupations was revised at the beginning of this year with the object of releasing for service a large number of fit men. The revised Schedule came into operation on 1st February, 1918, and a large number of certificates have already been withdrawn under it. The Government have also given directions that with the exception of men en- gaged in an occupation for which an age limit of nineteen is fixed in the Schedule, Grade I. men born in 1898 and 1899 are not to be retained in Admiralty, War Office, or Munitions firms after the 17th of May, and Grade I. men born in 1895, 1896, or 1897 so employed are not to be retained after the 17th of June. If it is found that the temporary retention of any men covered by these directions is absolutely essential to the output of munitions which are immediately required, such cases are to be referred to a Committee representing the Ministry of National Service, the War Office, and the Admiralty, or Ministry of Munitions, as the case may be. The occupations for which nineteen age limit is fixed arc shipbuilding and repairing, Section A, and oil shale mining and shale oil works, Section B. Captain BARNETT Are we to understand that there is no review of these protection certificates in the case of men over twenty-three years of age? Mr. BECK Yes; I think that is so. But the whole matter is a clean-cut operation and does not affect the other machinery for obtaining men.