Child Emigration To Canada 68. Mr. WILLIAM THORNE asked the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been drawn to the Rochford Board of Guardians emigrating children to Canada whose ages range from three to seven years; if he can state what institution they are sent to when they arrive in Canada, what provision is made for the children when they leave the institution, if there is any inspection of the institution by the Government of Canada, and at what period the inspections are made; are any reports made to the guardians as to the progress of the children; and whether any money is paid to the emigration agency and what is the cost of the emigration of such children? Mr. BURNS I understand that the Rochford Board of Guardians have had before them proposals for the emigration of a family of five deserted children whose ages range from three to eleven years. Owing to the refusal of the justices to consent to the emigration of the two youngest children the question is, I am informed, at present in abeyance. I may add that there is a very complete system of inspection of child emigrants in Canada, and that annual reports on Poor Law children are furnished to my Department by the Canadian authorities and communicated by me to the boards of guardians. Mr. W. THORNE Is the emigration agency paid any money in respect of these children? Mr. BURNS I will give the hon. Member information as to that when I have made further inquiries. Mr. OUTHWAITE Are these children indentured to employers on arrival in Canada? Mr. BURNS I have satisfied myself that Poor Law children and children sent from Dr. Barnardo's Homes and other institutions are admirably treated. Sir C. KINLOCH-COOKE Is it not unusual for children under seven years of age to be sent out by boards of guardians? Mr. BURNS It is usual not to send them out under that age.