Allotments Mr. PENNEFATHER asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether it is the intention of the Government to bring in any legislation with the object of giving allotment holders greater security of tenure; and, if so, can he make any statement on the subject? Mr. PROTHERO Yes, Sir; the Government propose to bring in legislation which will give holders of war-time allotments greater security of tenure. A statement on the matter was made by the Prime Minister recently, and appeared in the Press on Tuesday last. Mr. T. WILSON asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he is aware that eight residents of Reading cultivating 8 poles of land each, petitioned the parish council last November for another 8 poles each in the same field now unoccupied and advertised as building land; that the parish council ignored the petition; that his Department was appealed to; that a Commissioner paid a visit to the place and the matter was referred to the War Agricultural Committee; that up to the present the men's application has not been granted; and whether he will take steps to satisfy the desire of these allotment holders in view of the necessity for increased food production? Mr. PROTHERO This matter was carefully considered by the Berkshire Agricultural Executive Committee, who came to the conclusion that they would not he justified in depriving the present occupier of the land in question, which is being utilised for grazng. The occupier has already given up 61 poles for allotments, and his present holding only amounts to 2¾ acres.