Coal Consumption (Tugs) 31. Mrs. Middleton asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty how much coal is consumed each week in stoking up tugs, other than duty tugs, which are subsequently not brought into use. Mr. W. Edwards Coal-fired tugs are used only in naval dockyards. All those in use are duty tugs and are normally employed at some period during the day. In any isolated case where a tug is for some reason not used, the coal consumption under banked fires is under five cwt. per week. Mrs. Middleton Is my hon. Friend aware that tugs other than duty tugs are stoked up every Saturday morning and not subsequently used, and will he take steps to see that this wastage of fuel is stopped immediately? Mr. Edwards I am afraid that my hon. Friend and myself are getting different information. If my hon. Friend would be good enough to let me have the source and type of information which she receives, I shall be only too glad to go into the matter.