Blackpool (Selective Employment Tax) Mr. Blaker asked the Minister of Labour what estimate he has made of the extra winter unemployment within the Blackpool Employment Exchange area which will result from the proposed Selective Employment Tax; and how many unfilled vacancies exist in manufacturing industries in that area. Mrs. Shirley Williams The tax is expected to give a positive encouragement to employment in manufacturing industries; it is not intended to increase unemployment. On 11th May, 1966, there were 177 unfilled vacancies in the manufacturing industries in the Blackpool Employment Exchange area. Mr. Blaker asked the Minister of Labour what will be the cost of the proposed Selective Employment Tax to employers in horticulture and other service industries respectively, in the Blackpool Employment Exchange area. Mrs. Shirley Williams Figures for employment exchange areas do not distinguish between the categories in paragraph 10 of Cmnd. 2986, and so no reliable estimate can be made for small areas.