Nyasaland (Tobacco) 37. Mr. Baldwin asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether, in view of the fact that most of the tobacco produced in Nyasaland is of the dark fired type used largely in pipe mixtures and that as pipe smoking shows a declining tendency it is becoming increasingly necessary to seek foreign markets in which price is a dominating factor for this tobacco, he will further review the desirability of the export duty now being levied on a product the bulk of which is grown by Africans. Mr. Rees-Williams My right hon. Friend has considered this matter but is unable in existing circumstances to make a change. Mr. Baldwin In view of the very limited exports of this Colony will the Under-Secretary give serious consideration to this matter, in view of the urgent necessity for them to get this export trade? Mr. Rees-Williams A lot of economic factors are tied up with this proposal. It is no use inducing people to grow tobacco at the expense of food crops. There is also the question of a different type of tobacco being grown.