Slum Clearance, Wales Mr. Ness Edwards asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs if he will state for each authority in Wales the number of unfit houses to be demolished under the five-year programme, and the number actually demolished. Mr. Brooke The slum clearance programme for each authority is shown in "Slum Clearance (England and Wales)"—Cmnd. 9593, presented to Parliament in November, 1955. The number of houses demolished or closed between 1st January, 1955, and 31st December, 1960, are shown in the Appendix to the Housing Return for 31st March, 1961 (Cmnd. 1348). Mr. Ness Edwards asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs (1) how many unfit houses were scheduled for demolition in Wales under the five-year programme, and how far the programme has been realised;(2) what progress has been made by authorities in Wales in the five-year programme for slum clearance, compared with the progress made in England. Mr. Brooke 21,544 unfit houses in Wales were scheduled by local authorities for demolition in the programme for the first five years. The number actually demolished or closed between 1st January, 1955, and 31st December, 1960, was 10,577.The corresponding figures for England are 373,505 scheduled for demolition and 285,344 actually demolished or closed.