Territorial Officers (Resignations) 20. Mr. N. Macpherson asked the Secretary of State for War in what circumstances officers in the Territorial Army Reserve of Officers are at present entitled to resign their commissions. Mr. M. Stewart Officers of the Territorial Army Reserve of Officers who joined the Territorial Army since its re-constitution in 1947, and previously had no liability to recall for service during the present emergency, are permitted to resign their commissions if they wish. On the other hand, officers who have a liability to recall until the end of the current emergency under the Armed Forces (Conditions of Service) Act, 1939, or who, before appointment to the Territorial Army, had such a liability under the National Service Acts, 1939–45, are not normally permitted to resign until they reach the age for removal from the Reserve, become medically unfit or take up permanent residence overseas. Mr. Macpherson Is it worth while putting officers into a unit when it is unlikely that they will be called up in the event of an emergency owing to a change of circumstances? Mr. Stewart That may apply to some of these officers, but I do not think it would be a reason for altering the general policy.