Progress Captain Gammans asked the Minister of Health if he will arrange to publish monthly the returns of permanent and temporary houses built and occupied; the number of contracts let; and the cost of such houses, in a form which can be easily understood. Mr. Bevan I would refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave on 9th October to the hon. Member for the Abbey Division of Westminster (Sir H. Webbe) of which I am sending him a copy. Mr. Bossom asked the Minister of Health the number of emergency and the number of permanent houses that have been started since the 1st August; and how many of these have been completed. Mr. Bevan Since 1st August the erection has been begun of 5,580 temporary houses under the Housing (Temporary Accommodation) Act, 1944, in England and Wales. In the same period tenders for the erection by local authorities of 8,900 permanent houses have been approved, and licences have been issued for the provision of about 8,000 houses by private enterprise. I have no information showing how many of the permanent houses begun since 1st August have been completed, but 2,750 temporary houses have been completed since that date.