Agricultural Land And Woodland Mr. Cormack asked the Secretary of State for the Environment, how much (a) agricultural land and (b) woodland has been lost as a result of motorway construction in each of the years 1960 to 1974, inclusive. Mr. Carmichael Following is the information: ----------- |1960–1961| ----------- |1961–1962| ----------- |1962–1963| ----------- |1963–1964| ----------- |1964–1965| ----------- |1965–1966| ----------- |1966–1967| ----------- |1967–1968| ----------- |1968–1969| ----------- |1969–1970| ----------- |1970–1971| ----------- |1971–1972| ----------- |1972–1973| ----------- |1973–1974| ----------- During the same period it is estimated that 8,400 acres were taken for the building of 34 motorway service areas. The acreage cannot readily be apportioned between one year and another.It is not possible to distinguish between agricultural land and woodland, or between rural and urban land, but much the greater part of land taken by motorways is rural land.