Business Of The House Mr. Eden Can the Leader of the House tell us the business for next week? The Lord President of the Council (Mr. Herbert Morrison) The business for next week will be as follows: MONDAY, 19TH FEBRUARY—Motion to commit the Long Leases (Temporary Provisions) (Scotland) Bill to the Scottish Standing Committee. Committee and remaining stages of the Town and Country Planning Bill. Second Reading of the Export Guarantees Bill; and Committee stage of the necessary Money Resolution. TUESDAY, 20TH FEBRUARY—Second Reading of the Overseas Resources Development Bill; and Committee stage of the necessary Money Resolution. Consideration of the Motion relating to the Summer Time Order, 1951. WEDNESDAY, 21ST FEBRUARY—Second Reading of the Supplies and Services (Defence Purposes) Bill. Second Reading of the Workmen's Compensation (Supplementation) Bill. Committee stages of the necessary Money Resolutions. THURSDAY, 22ND FEBRUARY—Conclusion of the Committee stage of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Protection) (Scotland) Bill. Committee stage of the New Streets Money Resolution. Conclusion of the Committee stage of the Leasehold Property (Temporary Provisions) Bill. It is hoped that Government Business can be completed by seven o'clock, when there will be an opportunity to begin a discussion on a Prayer relating to the Transfer of Functions (Minister of Health and Minister of Local Government and Planning) No. 1 Order, which it is understood the Opposition are to table. FRIDAY, 23RD FEBRUARY—Private Members' Bills. Mr. Eden In reference to the last item on Thursday, I should mention that, in view of the fact that this Order brings about a major change in the functions of Ministers, we thought that a reasonable time should be given to debate it. That is why we approached the Government. Mr. Morrison We do not dissent from that view. It may well require the co-operation of the House on both sides—I emphasise the words "on both sides"—if we are to reach this Order by seven o'clock, which I should like to do because I think that is a reasonable hour at which the debate upon it should begin. Mr. Lennox-Boyd On Tuesday's business, in view of the fact that much of the debate is bound to turn on his statements and actions, would the Lord President arrange for the Secretary of State for War to take part? Mr. Morrison That is a matter for the Government. I do not presume to choose the Opposition speakers. I think the Opposition had better not try to choose Government speakers. Mr. Emrys Hughes Has the attention of my right hon. Friend been drawn to a Motion on the Order Paper headed "Peace and Re-armament"? In view of the difference of opinion between the Leader of the Opposition and himself on this question, and in order to get national unity, will not my right hon. Friend consider taking over this Motion and making it an agreed policy? [ That this House expresses its appreciation of the Government's efforts to end the war in Korea and the Prime Minister's efforts to bring about peace with China and secure her rightful place in the United Nations, and recognises that the continuation of a Labour Government is in the interests of World Peace. It regrets, however, the United Nations' action in branding China as an aggressor nation, strongly opposes any form of sanctions against China likely to prolong the war, and urges that immediate further efforts should be made to secure a Cease Fire in Korea and a permanent settlement by the withdrawal of all armed forces and international action to assist an independent Korea to repair the ravages of war. It expresses its concern that the intensified competition in armaments, especially the re-armament of Germany, will further increase international tension, fear, and suspicion, lead to an increase of armed forces and armaments in other countries and impose further heavy taxation and a lower standard of life throughout the world and add to the already grave risk of world war. It therefore calls upon the Government to take a new initiative in formulating a policy which would secure peace between the Western and Eastern nations, end the arms race, and lead to a new world order, in which the energies of all peoples would be diverted from war preparations to the common purpose of increasing food and industrial production and ending unemployment, hunger, and poverty.] Mr. Morrison I will look it up and consider the point made by my hon. Friend. Mr. Gammans Will the Leader of the House say when the Government propose to give time for the consideration of the Spender Plan, which is of very great interest to hon. Members in all parts of the House? Mr. Morrison I should have thought that if it is desired by the Opposition that that should be discussed, it would be an eminently suitable subject for a Supply Day. Mrs. Eirene White Can my right hon. Friend say when the Government propose to allow time for a discussion on the First Report of the Council for Wales? Mr. Morrison I cannot yet say. I have got the point in mind. Of course, we have had one debate on Welsh affairs, but I wish to please my hon. Friend if I can. However, I cannot say at the moment. Mr. Tom Brown In connection with the business for Wednesday, will the Lord President allow a little more time for the discussion of the Workmen's Compensation (Supplementation) Bill which is a most important Measure. We expect to contribute something to that debate and we should like him to allow more time for it. Mr. Morrison I understand that there is no great controversy about this. We will see what happens, because it depends partly upon the Supplies and Services (Defence Purposes) Bill. I understood that there was not great controversy about it. In view of the state of business, it is desirable that, where there is not great controversy, we should try to get through as expeditiously as is reasonable.