"Providing For Quality" Mr. Pawsey asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science when he expects to publish the circular "Providing for Quality: the Pattern of Organisation to Age 19", issued in draft form in August 1986; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Matthew Taylor asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science when he intends to publish the final copy of the draft circular, "Providing for Quality"; and why it was not published by Easter as originally proposed. Mr. Kenneth Baker The circular is being published today. It aims to give comprehensive advice on school provision and organisation to all school promoters. It explains and develops the guidance in the 1985 White Paper "Better Schools", and offers advice on the curricular and other considerations which promoters should bear in mind in formulating proposals for future rationalisation. The text incorporates a number of revisions which have been made in the light of responses to the draft.