Fishing Industry Mr. McQuarrie asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when he proposes to introduce a scheme for the restructuring of the British fishing industry. Mr. Buchanan-Smith The subjects of restructuring and licensing have been discussed with representatives of the fishing industry by my right hon. Friend and myself during our visits to ports. We are considering the views expressed to us. Mr. McQuarrie asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will issue a statement on the effect of increases in oil prices on the British fishing industry and the resultant increase on the price of fish to consumers. Mr. Buchanan-Smith The effective increases in the price of oil on the costs of fishing depend on a number of factors including the age and type of individual fishing vessels and the nature and location of the fishing operation. The extent to which higher costs can be passed on to consumers depends on the market forces influencing the first-hand price of fish.