Milk Producers 56. Major York asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food the number of producers of milk of tuberculin-tested and attested standard who sell to the Ministry of Food at 31st May, 1942, and 31st May, 1943, and the number of producer retailers of this quality milk on the same dates? The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Mr. Mabane) The estimated numbers of wholesale producers and producer-retailers of milk of tuberculin-tested and attested standard on 1st June, 1943, were 2,280 and 1,030 respectively. The corresponding figures for 1st June, 1942, were 2,190 and 1,110. Major York Can the hon. Gentleman give an assurance that his Department is undertaking the necessary research to find out all the statistics on the subject of T.T. milk produced? Mr. Mabane We are doing our best.