Job Release Scheme Mr. Hall-Davis asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many applications under the job release scheme have been received from those registered as unemployed and those in employment; and what is the current rate of applications being received. Mr. Golding At 23rd June 1977, 10,395 applications from people registered as unemployed and 5,977 from those in employment, had been approved under the Job Release Scheme. Applications are currently being received at the rate of about 400 a week, and about half of these are from those in employment. Mr. Hall-Davis asked the Secretary of Stae for Employment what information regarding the net cost of the job release scheme is now available as a result of the sample investigations which he has been making; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Golding The net cost of the Job Release Scheme is running at about 45 per cent. of the gross cost.