Iraq (Treatment Of Christians) 25. Mr. ANNESLEY SOMERVILLE asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he can give the House any recent information regarding the treatment of Christians in Iraq? Dr. SHIELS Yes, Sir. There is no reason to suppose that the various Christian communities in Iraq are not receiving sympathetic and equitable treatment from the Iraq Government. I am aware that allegations to the contrary have recently appeared. Inquiry was made of the High Commissioner who was in England and of the officer acting for him, and as a result my Noble Friend is satisfied that the charges made against the Government of Iraq were not well founded. Mr. SOMERVILLE Are we to understand that the treatment of the Assyrian Christians is now satisfactory? Dr. SHIELS I have read all the reports and papers on this subject, and I am satisfied that what is stated in my reply gives a very fair and reasonable account of the position, but I would be very glad if the hon. Member would communicate to me any instances of alleged ill-treatment that have come to his notice, so that I can have inquiry made.