Small-Pox Mr. FREEMAN asked the Minister of Health how many cases and how many deaths from small-pox were registered during the year 1929, and their ages; how many children were vaccinated; and how many parents or guardians claimed exemption from vaccination on behalf of their children? Mr. GREENWOOD During the 52 weeks ended 28th December, 1929, 10,967 cases of small-pox were notified in England and Wales. Among these cases 39 deaths occurred which were classified to small-pox. These figures are provisional. The ages of the fatal cases were as follow: --------------------------------- |3 days. | | | --------------------------------- |14 days. | |34 years.|(2 cases).| --------------------------------- |3 weeks |(2 cases).|36 years.|(2 cases).| --------------------------------- |1 month. | |37 years.|| --------------------------------- |2 months. | |42 years.|| --------------------------------- |8 months. |(2 cases).|43 years.|| --------------------------------- |16 months.| |44 years.|| --------------------------------- |2 years. | |45 years.|(2 cases).| --------------------------------- |9years. | |59 years.|| --------------------------------- |13ears. | |61 years.|| --------------------------------- |14years. | |63 years.|| --------------------------------- |16years. | |64 years.|| --------------------------------- |17years. | |65 years.|(2 cases).| --------------------------------- |20 years. | |66 years.|| --------------------------------- |24 years. | |74 years.|| --------------------------------- |25years. | |75 years.|| --------------------------------- |28 years. | | || --------------------------------- The information asked for in the second and third parts of the question is not yet available.