"India And Burma News Summary" 18. Mr. Teeling asked the Under-Secretary of State for India what is the present circulation of the India and Burma News Summary issued by his Department; what that publication has cost up to date; and whether it is proposed to discontinue it, or if it is to be transferred to one of the new Indian Govern- ments, to which, and who will bear the cost. Mr. A. Henderson The circulation of the "India and Burma News Summary" is about 3,000 copies a week. From October, 1941, to June, 1942, this publication was produced as part of the routine departmental work in the India Office and no estimate of the cost is possible as no extra staff were engaged on this account. From July, 1942, to May, 1947, the Summary was duplicated and distributed by H.M.S.O. on behalf of the India Office at a total cost of £6,904. From the issue of 5th June the production of the Summary (less the Burma section) has been taken over by the Office of the High Commisioner for India on behalf of the Government of India who bear the cost.