County And County Borough Councils (Medical Members) 75. Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE asked the Minister of Health if he will introduce a short indemnifying Bill to exempt present sitting medical members of county and county borough councils from their disabilities to act as from 1st April next during the remainder of their present period of office, pending the reconsideration or reorganisation of the methods of payment to medical practitioners for minor medical services rendered on behalf of local authorities in the course of their private practice? The MINISTER of HEALTH (Mr. Greenwood) I regret that I am not able to comply with the suggestion, and would refer the hon. and gallant Member to the reply given on the 6th ultimo to the hon. Member for Banff (Major Wood). 76. Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that in rural parts of the country generally, and particularly in such rural counties as the county of Huntingdon, all practising medical practitioners are rendered ineligible for service as members of county councils by the provisions of the Local Government Act, 1929, and that, therefore, such councils as desire to have medical members, whether co-opted or elected, for their public health, maternity and child welfare, and Midwives Acts, mental deficiency and other committees are unable to obtain them; and will he take this question into consideration? Mr. GREENWOOD Legislation would be required to deal with the matter raised by the hon. and gallant Member, and I am afraid that I can give no undertaking as to 6uch legislation. Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE If a one Clause Bill is introduced to "remove any inconvenience temporarily and enable these officers to carry out their duties during the remainder of their term of office, which is obviously desired by the electorate, will the right hon. Gentleman try to give facilities? Mr. GREENWOOD There are only 11 days to go before the new Act comes into operation, and the local authorities have already made their arrangements. Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE A great deal can be done in that time.