Equipment (Export To Hong Kong) 81. Mr. G. Hutchinson asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that during recent months large quantities of motor spare parts and other items of equipment suitable for military vehicles, have been ordered from a firm in this country, particulars of which have been supplied to him, for shipment to Hong Kong; that the quantities ordered far exceed those normally capable of being absorbed by the market in Hong Kong; and what steps he has taken or proposes to take to ensure that this material is not intended for military use against the Forces of the United Nations including our own and the Dominion Forces by the Chinese and North Korean Governments. Mr. Bottomley I am grateful to the firm in question for drawing the attention of the Board of Trade to certain orders which they have received. The motor industry has already been informed that His Majesty's Government wish supplies of motor spare parts to Hong Kong to be limited to the normal requirements of the Colony. In the case to which the hon. and learned Member refers, the ostensible destination of the goods was not Hong Kong, but it subsequently came to light that it was probably intended that they should be shipped on to that Colony. We are actively considering means of ensuring that they do not eventually come into Communist control.