Youth Organisations Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list the national voluntary youth organisations within Wales currently in receipt of funding from his Department, indicating when each organisation was informed of their grant levels for the current year. Sir Wyn Roberts There are 15 youth organisations currently in receipt of grant, namely the Boys Brigade, Baptist Youth Ministry, Church in Wales, Guides Cymru, Gwerin y Coed (Woodcraft Folk), the Order of St. John, Phab (Wales), United Nations Association International Youth Services, United Reform Church, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Wales Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs, Welsh Association of Youth Clubs, Welsh Federation of Boys' and Girls' Groups, Welsh Scout Council, and the Young Men's Christian Association of Wales.All organisations were informed of their grant levels for 1993–94 on 8 April, except the Welsh Association of Youth Clubs, which was informed on 26 May as its application was handled separately.