Careers Service Mr. Gunnell To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what was the total spending on the Careers Service by local authorities in England and Wales in each financial year since 1990–91; and what is the expected expenditure in 1995–96. [38256] Mr. Paice [holding answer 23 October 1995]: From 1 April 1994, the duty of providing the Careers Services became the responsibility of the Secretary of State for Employment. Prior to that date, services were funded via local education authorities through the rate support grant and these figures are unhypothecated.The estimated outturn of spend by the Employment Department for 1994–95 for the Careers Service in England was £187.4 million. In 1995–96, the Department for Education and Employment plans to spend £211.2 million on the Careers Service.Responsibility for the Careers Service in Wales rests with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales. Mr. Gunnell To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what was their spending on the Careers Service through each of the five West Yorkshire metropolitan district councils in each financial year since 1990–91; and what is the expected expenditure in 1995–96 for each of the individual councils. [38257] Mr. Paice [holding answer 23 October 1995]: From 1 April 1994, the duty of providing the Careers Service became the responsibility of the Secretary of State for Employment. Prior to that date, services were funded via Local education authorities through the rate support grant which is unhypothecated.Spend under Careers Service instruments of direction issued by the Secretary of State for Employment to the five West Yorkshire metropolitan district councils in 1994–95 was: Bradford: £1,598,302Calderdale: £546,000Kirklees: £1,103,000Leeds: £1,849,991Wakefield: £985,000 In 1995–96 only Leeds and Wakefield remain under direction from the Secretary of State. Their budget allocations are: Leeds: £2,041,000Wakefield: £1,126,000 Since 1 April 1995, careers services in Bradford have been delivered by Careers Bradford Ltd. and in Calderdale and Kirklees by Calderdale and Kirklees Careers Service Partnership Ltd. These are both private limited companies and details of their income and expenditure will be available in their annual reports next year. Residual payments to local authorities for 1994–95 activities have been made in 1995–96 as follows: Bradford: £144,700Calderdale: £45,977Kirklees: £100,001 Additional expenditure relating to careers libraries and careers guidance has been made available through the training and enterprise councils in West Yorkshire. In 1994–95 this amounted to: £1,622,725. In 1995–96 the allocation is £894,721. For 1995–96 the careers guidance element has been included in the Careers Service contracts for two TEC areas.