Microsoft Norman Lamb To ask the Secretary of State for Environment. Food and Rural Affairs how much was paid to Microsoft in licensing fees by her Department and its agencies in each of the last three years; and how much has been budgeted for (a) 2003–04 and (b) 2004–05. [130678] Alun Michael Defra was established as a new Department in 2001. Defra and its executive agencies paid Microsoft £1,004,963 for software licences for financial year 2001–02, £913,575 for 2002–03 and £528,853 for 2003–04 to date.Budget provision for Microsoft licensing for 2003–04 is £773,162 and for 2004–05 is £969,690.These figures exclude the cost of licences for Windows operating systems on new personal computers and laptops, which are provided and paid for by the manufacturers under separate arrangements.All sums are inclusive of VAT; financial years start 1 April.