Post Office—Contract With The Peninsular And Oriental Steam Navigation Company—Question MR. D. JENKINS asked the Postmaster General, Whether the statement in the daily press is correct as to a proposed alteration of the Contract now existing between Her Majesty's Government and the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, for the conveyance of the East Indian mails; and, if so, when the conditions of such alterations will be laid upon the Table of the House? LORD JOHN MANNERS in reply, said, some alterations had been made in the Contract between Her Majesty's Government and the Peninsular and Oriental Company; but, so far as he knew, the statements which had appeared in the daily Press with regard to the nature of those alterations were altogether incorrect. The new contract, so far as the Government was concerned, was concluded, and had been laid on the Table of the House in the course of last week; and when it had been printed it would be submitted to the House in the usual manner by his hon. Friend the Secretary to the Treasury.