Dairy Inspection Mr. Best asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, further to his answer of 16 March, Official Report, column 417, to the hon. Member for Ynys Môn, if he will set out what other work is included in the definition of statutory work beyond dairy inspection, the constituent elements of subsistent costs including allowances for meals and accommodation; which senior Agricultural Development Advisory Service staff are involved with dairy inspection and what is the extent of their work; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Gummer The figure of 45·7 man years for statutory work includes not only time which dairy husbandry staff spend on farms but also their travelling time and the time they spend writing up reports, writing to producers and preparing for further visits: it also includes time which grades I and II devote to managing statutory work in order to ensure that the regulations are interpreted consistently across the country. The figure of 1·5 man years reflects the fact that, in addition, some 30 senior ADAS staff located at headquarters, in the regions and in Wales, devote a small proportion of their time to managing statutory work. There are standard, service wide, rates for travel and subsistence.