Hong Kong (Salaries Commission) 42. Mr. Walter Fletcher asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Salaries Commission in Hong Kong has started its work; and when it is likely to report. Mr. Creech Jones The Commission has started its work, but I am not yet in a position to say when it will report. Mr. Fletcher Is the Minister aware of the great urgency of getting a report and taking action, owing to the gradual disintegration which will otherwise occur in the Hong Kong Civil Service? Mr. Creech Jones Yes, Sir. I am personally alive to the urgency of the matter, and so are the Hong Kong Government. Mr. Pickthorn Is there any possibility of an interim report to deal especially with medical officers and very junior officers of the other services, who really at present are just not able to live upon their official income? Mr. Creech Jones I know that there is very much distress with regard to the medical establishments, and representations have already been made to the Hong Kong Government in that respect. Mr. Pickthorn Is there any possibility of action on an interim report in those very urgent cases? Mr. Creech Jones I will look into that