Heavy Goods Vehicles (Noise) Mr. Moate asked the Secretary of State for Transport (1) what are the present maximum permitted noise levels for new lorries of up to 12 tonnes; what proposals the Government has put forward for reducing these levels; and if he will make a statement;(2) what progress is being made in negotiations with the EEC for a phased reduction in the maximum permitted noise levels of new lorries; from when he expects the new maxima to take effect; and if he will make a statement. Mr. William Rodgers The maximum permitted noise level for new lorries of between 3·5 and 12 tonnes gross vehicle weight is 89 decibels on the "A" weighted scale when measured in accordance with the method described in British Standard BS3425: 1966 or EEC Council Directive 70/157/EEC.Negotiations within the EEC for an amending directive are well advanced. We have sought reductions in the noise limits for all classes of vehicle. Some modest improvements are expected to come into force by 1980, and we have pressed for a longer-term commitment to seek further reductions. Mr. Moate asked the Secretary of State for Transport what research has been conducted into the production of quieter heavy goods vehicles; and if he will make a statement on progress so far. Mr. William Rodgers The research phase of the Government-sponsored quiet heavy goods vehicle project was completed at the end of last year. A noise level of 82dB(A) was achieved for the tractive unit of a 32–38 ton articulated vehicle. This vehicle has now been returned to the manufacturers, who are assessing the cost of mass-producing it. It appears from the results of the research that a noise level of 80dB(A)—about the level of present motor cars—is technically feasible, but the cost is still to be determined.