Sub-Offices, Dundee 39. Mr. G. M. Thomson asked the Assistant Postmaster-General what representations he has made to Dundee Corporation with regard to the provision of permanent shops suitable for use as sub-post offices on the Fintry, Douglas and Angus housing estates. Mr. Gammans In response to an inquiry made in December last, the Dundee Corporation were informed that temporary shop buildings are not generally suitable for use as sub-post offices but that applications for the post of sub-postmaster on each of the estates mentioned would be invited as soon as shopkeepers were able to offer suitable permanent premises. Mr. Thomson Is the hon. Gentleman aware that this very unsatisfactory situation has existed for a long time and that k causes great inconvenience, especially where large numbers of family allowances are concerned? Will he look into the possibility of establishing more permanent consultation machinery between his Department and the local authority with the object of providing sub-post offices more quickly? In the meantime, will he look into the question of providing travelling post offices in connection with such housing schemes? Mr. Gammans I will look into the question of providing a travelling post office, but the responsibility for building permanent shops does not rest primarily on the Post Office.