Ex-Enemy Farms 8. Mr. Skinnard asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies how many ex-enemy farms in Tanganyika have been allotted for African settlement; and how many of these are run on a co-operative basis. Mr. Rees-Williams It is proposed to allot 30 ex-enemy farms and part of four other ex-enemy farms, totalling in all 13,359 acres, for African occupation to afford some relief to population congestion in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro. These farms will all be cut up into individual peasant holdings. Certain ex-enemy farms will also be allotted for African occupation for similar reasons on the slopes of Meru Mountain, but the number has not yet been decided. Mr. Skinnard Does that mean that no such allocation has yet been made? Mr. Rees-Williams Not so far as the Meru Mountain is concerned.