Imperial Defence (Channel Tunnel) 53. Mr. FELL asked if the question of the strategic advantages which may follow from the construction of a Channel tunnel between England and France has been before the Committee of Imperial Defence recently? The PRIME MINISTER As I recently informed the hon. Member, no detailed examination of this project has been carried out by the Committee of Imperial Defence since the early part of 1907. Mr. FELL Might I ask if it has come before them in any form, and not only for detail examination? The PRIME MINISTER I do not think it is very desirable to answer that kind of question. There are many confidential matters which come before the Committee of Imperial Defence. It has not been seriously considered since 1907. Sir W. BYLES Might the House of Commons and the public know whether the Government of the country is favourable or unfavourable to the scheme? The PRIME MINISTER Certainly not in answer to a supplementary question.