Hospitals Mr. Paterson To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many operations have been cancelled at the (a) Princess Royal hospital and (b) Royal Shrewsbury hospital in the last 12 months. [113165] Mr. Lammy The number of last minute cancellations for non clinical reasons in the period January to December 2002, which is the latest information available, was 79 at the Princess Royal hospital national health service trust and 352 at the Royal Shrewsbury NHS trust. Last minute means on the day patients were due to arrive, after the patient has arrived in hospital or on the day of their operation/surgery. Mr. Paterson To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many patients are waiting for in-patient treatment at (a) Royal Shrewsbury hospital and (b) Princess Royal hospital. [113168] Mr. Lammy At the end of February 2003, there were 1,392 patients waiting for inpatient treatment at Princess Royal hospital national health service trust and 3,698 waiting at Royal Shrewsbury hospitals NHS trust. Mr. Paul Marsden To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the value of settled negligence claims brought against the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital was in each year since 1997. [113049] Mr. Lammy This information is not collected centrally. Mr. Luff To ask the Secretary of State for Health when he expects to confirm the dates by which the Worcestershire Acute hospitals NHS trust must (a) bring its annual expenditure into balance and (b) repay its accumulated deficit; and if he will make a statement. [112665] Mr. Lammy In line with this Government's policy of "Shifting the Balance of Power", discussions about individual health organisations financial positions are undertaken locally with relevant commissioners and if required the local strategic health authority (SHA). In this case West Midlands South SHA.