Birmingham Overspill (Land) 68. Mr. Chapman asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs what request he has made to local authorities in the West Midlands to find land for 100,000 houses for Birmingham overspill population; whether he proposes that industry should be attracted to these sites or whether he envisages commuting across the green belt; and what proportion of the houses are to be built by private enterprise for sale. Mr. Dugdale asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs if he will make a statement on the request that has been sent to the councils of Worcestershire, Warwickshire and Staffordshire by his Department for land for the provision of houses by private enterprise for overspill population from Birmingham. Dr. Hill Planning officers in the West Midlands have been told that over the next twenty years it may prove necessary to find land for not less than 100,000 houses to meet the needs of the conurbation, over and above the current proposals for development under the New Towns and Town Development Acts. They have been asked to survey their areas to see what contribution each might make. This is a technical survey, and involves no decision of policy on the way in which the development might be carried out. Plainly the officers will bear in mind the importance of the relationship between the places in which people live and those in which they work.