Naval Aircraft Repair Organisation Mr. Michael Brown To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if the Naval Aircraft Repair Organisation defence agency has reported its financial performance for the financial year 1994–95; and what targets have been agreed for 1995–96. [36392] Mr. Soames Copies of the Naval Aircraft Repair Organisation defence agency's annual report and accounts for financial year 1994–95 have been placed in the Library of the House.In respect of financial year 1995–96 the Direct General Aircraft (Navy), acting as owner of the agency on behalf of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence under the terms of the agency's framework document, has set the following key targets: QuantityTo complete 100 per cent. of the identified core task as detailed in DGA(N)'s Tri Service Schedule of Identified Repair Work.QualityTo improve by four the NARO Quality Index, which represents the weighted number of AQAP non conformances.TimelinessTo complete 93.5 per cent. of contracts on time.ProductivityTo improve annual productivity to 620 Direct Output Units per employee.CostTo reduce the cost of a Direct Output Unit by more than 7.5 per cent. below 1991–92 (pre Agency Launch) levels.Efficiency IndexTo improve the NARO Efficiency Index to 0.635.