Osborne Cadets' Expenses MR. BELLAIRS (Lynn Regis) I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether a payment of £75 per annum has to be made in respect of each cadet at Osborne by the parent; whether, in addition, there are not charged to the parents term fees amounting to about £24 per annum; whether the parent has not in addition to face charges for examination fees on entry, travelling expenses, uniform, chest, book, sextant, and maintenance during holidays, which together bring up the cost to from £135 to £150 per annum, or from £540 to £600 for the four years' course; and, if so, whether the Admiralty will take steps to cut down the burden on the parents. THE SECRETARY TO THE ADMIRALTY (Mr. EDMUND ROBERTSON, Dundee) The Admiralty are not prepared to reduce the fees charged at Osborne, which are £75 per annum, except in the case of a limited number of cadets admitted at the reduced fee of £40 per annum. It is not known to what additional fees the hon. Member alludes. The expenses incurred on behalf of the cadets in respect of travelling to and from the college, renewals and repairs of clothing, instruments, books, drawing materials, washing, school stationery, sports fund, etc., average at Osborne about £22 a year. The first cost of the outfit, including sea chest and clothing, is about £40. No estimate can be given of the expenses incurred by the parents for clothing and maintenance during the holidays.