United States Subjects (British Visas) Colonel Crosthwaite-Eyre asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in how many cases during 1946 His Majesty's Consulates in America have refused visas to American subjects desirous of coming to the United Kingdom; and for what reasons such refusals have been made, in view of the necessity of encouraging visitors, particularly from hard currency areas. Mr. McNeil 62,803 persons were granted visas in the U.S.A. during 1946 for travel to the United Kingdom. 423 United States citizens were refused visas for travel to the United Kingdom during this period. Most of these refusals were in the earlier part of the year, when there still were restrictions on travel to the United Kingdom. Since the removal of the restrictions, the monthly refusals have dropped to an average of 26, the majority being based on grounds personal to the individual, including in some cases inability to maintain himself during his visit.