Horses (Transport From Ireland) 67. Mr. Anthony Greenwood asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will draw the attention of the Government of Eire to the fact that out of 71 horses loaded in the s.s. "Clarina" on Saturday, 3rd February, at Limerick, 18 died and were thrown overboard, en route, three were found dead on arrival at Birkenhead, seven had to be killed on board in Birkenhead docks and one collapsed on landing and was subsequently humanely destroyed; and whether he will request that steps should be taken to prevent aged and infirm horses being shipped under such conditions from Eire to England for the meat trade. Mr. T. Williams My Department has already been in touch with the Department of Agriculture in Dublin about the question of making regulations to govern the transit of horses by sea from Ireland to Great Britain. I understand from the Irish authorities that none of the horses shipped on the s.s. "Clarina" was aged or infirm. Group Captain Wilcock asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that on the cargo ship "Clarina," trading between Limerick and Birkenhead, 29 horses being brought across from Ireland were killed or died during the passage; and what action he proposes to take to prevent a recurrence of such incidents in future. Mr. T. Williams I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the reply I gave to the hon. and gallant Member for East Grinstead (Colonel Clarke) on 19th February.