Operatives 25. Wing-Commander James asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works how many building trade operatives are now employed by firms operating Government contracts; and how many operatives are directly employed by the Ministry? Mr. Hicks I am advised that it would not be in the public interest to give the information asked for in the first part of the Question. As regards the second part of the Question, there were 9,537 building trades operatives in the direct employment of the Ministry of Works at 1st June, 1943, of whom 6,208 were employed on the maintenance of the Government and requisitioned premises for which the Ministry of Works is responsible and 3,329 in the Special Repair Service which was created to deal with emergency air raid damage repairs. Mr. Holdsworth On what ground does the Minister decline to give the information asked for in the first part of the Question? Mr. Hicks There are other Departments concerned, and I have consulted these Departments, and they ask me not to give the figures.