Development 10. Mr. Grey asked the Postmaster-General what instructions he has issued to the British Broadcasting Corporation in relation to the three high-power television stations now in the process of erection. 11. Mrs. Rees asked the Postmaster-General whether any decision has been taken, in the light of the re-armament programme, to retard or postpone the erection of the Wenvoe television station. Mr. Hobson The rate of television development has been reviewed in relation to the defence programme. It has been decided that the high-power stations at Holme Moss, Kirk o'Shotts and Wenvoe should be completed, but that the five low-powered stations should be postponed indefinitely. Mr. Llewellyn Would the hon. Gentleman say on what date that decision was reached? Mr. Hobson Not without notice. Colonel Stoddart-Scott The hon. Gentleman mentioned Holme Moss. Could he say when it will be completed? Mr. Hobson I could not give a definite date, but it will certainly be this year.