Collection Of Poor-Rates On the order of the day for bringing up the report on the Poor-rates Collection Bill, Mr. Hawes objected to giving the Boards of Guardians by this bill greater power than was formerly possessed by the overseers. He hoped, also, that the noble Lord would give the opportunity of appeal to the quarter sessions. Lord J. Russell said, he had met the first proposition of the hon. Member by amendments made in committee; and to the hon Member's second proposal he had a decided objection. Mr. T. Duncombe moved that a proviso should be added to the bill to exempt from its operation, parishes which were subject to any local acts for the relief of the poor. Lord J. Russell said, the bill was certainly not intended to apply to such parishes, but he thought the proviso unnecessary, and he feared that it would, as worded by the hon. Member, extend too far. The House divided:—Ayes 14; Noes 59;—Majority 45. ------------------------------ |Attwood, T. |D'Israeli, B.| ------------------------------ |Boldero, H. G.|Ewart, W. | ------------------------------ |Darby, G. |Hall, Sir B. | ------------------------------ ----------------------------------- |Hawes B. |Williams, W. | ----------------------------------- |Hector, C. J. |Wood, Colonel T.| ----------------------------------- |Hume, J. | | ----------------------------------- |Parker, R. T. |TELLERS. | ----------------------------------- |Pechell, Captain|Grimsditch, T. | ----------------------------------- |Vigors, N. A. |Duncombe, T. | ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- |Acland, Sir T. D. |Mildmay, P. St. John | ---------------------------------------------------- |Adam, Admiral |Morpeth, Viscount | ---------------------------------------------------- |Aglionby, H. A. |Muskett, G. A. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Bernal, R. |Paget, F. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Blackburne, I. |Palmer, C. F. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Broadley, H. |Palmerston, Viscount | ---------------------------------------------------- |Broadwood, H. |Parker, J. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Brotherton, J. |Parnell, rt. hon. Sir H.| ---------------------------------------------------- |Bruges, W. H. L. |Pryme, G. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Campbell, Sir J. |Redington, T. N. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Craig, W. G. |Rice, rt. hon. T. S. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Dalmeny, Lord |Rich, H. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Ellis, W. |Rolfe, Sir R. M. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Filmer, Sir E. |Rushbrooke, Colonel | ---------------------------------------------------- |Finch, F. |Russell, Lord J. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Gordon, R. |Rutherford, rt. hon, A. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Gordon, hon. Captain |Scolefield, J. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Grey, rt. hon. Sir J. |Seymour, Lord | ---------------------------------------------------- |Hobhouse, rt. hon. Sir J.|Stanley, hon. W. O. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Hobhouse, T. B. |Steuart, R. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Hodges, T. L. |Stock, Dr. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Hodgson, R. |Thomson, rt. hon. C. P. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Hope, hon. C. |Verney, Sir H. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Howard, P. H. |Warburton, H. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Howick, Viscount |Wood, C. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Hutt, W. |Wood, G. W. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Hutton, R. |Worsley, Lord | ---------------------------------------------------- |Inglis, Sir R. H. |Wrightson, W. B. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Labouchere, rt. hon. H. |TELLERS. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Lushington, rt. hon. S. |Baring, F. T. | ---------------------------------------------------- |Maule, hon. F. |Stanley, E. J. | ---------------------------------------------------- Report agreed to.