Civil Servants Ms Armstrong To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will list for each civil service grade in his Department the number of (a) male and (b) female (i) full-time and (ii) part-time employees. [35465] Mr. Burt The numbers of permanent industrial and non-industrial staff as at 1 April 1995 on a head-count basis were as follows: --------------------------------------------------- | | --------------------------------------------------- | | --------------------------------------------------- |Benefits Agency | --------------------------------------------------- |Child Support Agency | --------------------------------------------------- |Contributions Agency | --------------------------------------------------- |Information Technology Services Agency | --------------------------------------------------- |Resettlement Agency | --------------------------------------------------- |War Pensions Agency | --------------------------------------------------- |DSS Headquarters and Independent Statutory Bodies| --------------------------------------------------- |Total | --------------------------------------------------- The breakdown of staff by grade is as follows: ------------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------------------------------------------- |Grade 1 | ------------------------------------------------------- |Grade 2 | ------------------------------------------------------- |Grade 3 | ------------------------------------------------------- |Grade 4 | ------------------------------------------------------- |Grade 5 | ------------------------------------------------------- |Grade 6 | ------------------------------------------------------- |Grade 7 | ------------------------------------------------------- |Senior Executive Officer | ------------------------------------------------------- |Higher Executive Officer/Higher Executive Officer (D)| ------------------------------------------------------- |Executive Officer | ------------------------------------------------------- |Administrative Officer | ------------------------------------------------------- |Administrative Assistant | ------------------------------------------------------- |Others | ------------------------------------------------------- |Totals | ------------------------------------------------------- Note: 1. Staff on loan or secondment and not being paid by the Department. 2. Staff on unpaid leave for more than 3 months or on unpaid maternity leave. 3. Casual staff. Mr. Donohoe To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will list (a) the number of (i) male and (ii) female employees, (b) the number of officials employed at each of the principal grades and the numbers and percentages of women employed at these grades and (c) the numbers of staff employed at administrative grades and the number and percentages of these staff that are women, in his Department and for each of its agencies for each year since 1985. [35685] Mr. Burt The information is not available in the form requested but details by grade and gender for the Department as a whole, including the executive agencies, can be found in table 5 of civil service statistics for each year from 1985 to 1994—copies available in the Library. Details for 1995 will be published later this year. I also refer the hon. Member to my reply today to the hon. Member for Durham, North-West (Ms Armstrong). Mr. Donohue To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what measures his Department has taken to encourage the promotion of women into senior positions within his Department and its executive agencies. [35671] Mr. Burt This Department is committed to equality of opportunity for all members of staff. It is also fully committed to the Cabinet Office programme for action to achieve equality of opportunity for women in the civil service. In addition, the Department was an early member of Opportunity 2000, a national campaign to improve the quantity of women's participation in the workplaceAll parts of the Department, including its executive agencies, have equal opportunities action plans and all staff are encouraged to develop to their full potential. Women's development courses are widely available and all senior promotion panels include at least one woman.The proportion of women is increasing at all management levels, women make up 67 per cent. of the Department and over half of all management grades. Over a quarter of the top three grades are currently held by women, two of the Department's agency chief executives are women and in September this year, the Department will have a female permanent secretary, Ann Bowtell.