Bosnian Refugees Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what efforts are currently being undertaken by his Department to ensure that families of Bosnian refugees are entitled to join refugees who have settled within the United Kingdom. Mr. Charles Wardle Spouses and minor children are admitted to join those recognised as refugees under the terms of the 1951 convention on the status of refugees. In such cases Bosnian family members would need first to obtain visas from a British diplomatic post. Close dependants are also admitted to join former detention camp inmates evacuated to the United Kingdom, and we are in close liaison with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Committee of the Red Cross to facilitate their entry.In common with all other nationalities, Bosnian asylum applicants may not bring their families here while their applications are under consideration.--------------------------------------------------------------- | | --------------------------------------------------------------- |Total applications received | --------------------------------------------------------------- |Total decisions | --------------------------------------------------------------- |Recognised as refugee and granted asylum3 | --------------------------------------------------------------- |Not recognised as refugee, but granted exceptional leave4 | --------------------------------------------------------------- |Total refused | --------------------------------------------------------------- |Refused asylum and exceptional leave after full consideration| --------------------------------------------------------------- |Refused on safe third country grounds5 | --------------------------------------------------------------- |Refused under paragraph 101 of Immigration Rules6 | ---------------------------------------------------------------