Stabilisation Board (Outstanding Claims) 61. Mr. W. Fletcher asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer when it is proposed to carry out the liquidation and final settlement of the affairs of the Stabilisation Board set up by the United States of America, the Government of China and His Majesty's Government under the agreement of 1st April, 1941, made in Washington. Mr. Gaitskell When the Board was dissolved on 31st March, 1944, a sum to meet outstanding claims was entrusted to the Central Bank of China. I regret, however, that despite numerous representations to the Chinese authorities, the claims of certain British banks have not yet been met. Mr. Fletcher Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind that this handing over of the sum was done without the knowledge and consent of those concerned, and will he ensure that the settlement of this very important claim is carried out in a way which will not bring the whole structure of British credit, including that of the Treasury, into discredit in the Far East? Mr. Gaitskell I do not think I can be held responsible for something done in 1944. As regards the settlement, it is a question of whether or not the money will be forthcoming from the Chinese.