Bee Disease 23. Mr. BOLAND asked how many cases of foul brood in bees were dealt with in the year 1911–12 under the provisions of the Bee Pest Prevention (Ireland) Act, 1908; what was the total allocated for compensation, and how much compensation was actually paid; have there been any suspected cases of Isle of Wight disease; and, if so, what steps have been taken to deal with this disease? Mr. RUSSELL During the year 1911–12 331 cases of foul brood came under the notice of the local authorities and were dealt with by them. The total amount allocated for payment of compensation was £273. Payments of compensation amounting to £36 14s. 6d. were recommended in twelve counties. Some suspected cases of Isle of Wight disease were reported to the Department during the year. Each case was investigated and suitable precautionary measures were prescribed. The Department have at present no statutory powers to enforce compliance with such measures, except in the case of foul brood. Mr. BOLAND Does the right hon. Gentleman propose to take any steps to enable the Department to deal with the matter should disease break out? Mr. RUSSELL Yes, Sir, there is a Bill for England and Scotland before the House, and when it reaches Committee I have an Amendment prepared to enable it to be applied to Ireland.